
Dr. Roy O. Lindseth - 1988

CSEG Medal Recipient Dr. Roy O. Lindseth

Dr. Roy O. LindsethThe CSEG Medal is awarded to a member of the geophysical profession in Canada who has made a significant contribution to the application, teaching or business development of exploration geophysics. The award also recognizes the recipients integrity as well as his accomplishments.

This year's winner qualifies on all of the above criteria.

Roy O. Lindseth is only the second person to receive this medal and he adds it to an already impressive list of honours, medals and awards. These include: Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada; Centennial Award and Honorary Membership of APEGGA; J. Tuzo Wilson Medal of the Canadian Geophysical Union; Kauffman Gold Medal and Honorary Membership of the SEG; Meritorious Service Award and Honorary Membership in the CSEG; Honorary Doctorate from the University of Calgary; and the Queen's Jubilee Medal.

He has also served as President of the SEG, APEGGA, the CSEG and the Canadian Geoscience Council.

Roy began his geophysical career with 20 years of exploration work in South America. Upon his return to Canada in 1960 he soon founded the first Canadian service company to apply computers to geological mapping and log analysis. He developed digital methods of forward modeling to produce synthetic seismograms from sonic logs and was a pioneer in Canadian seismic signal processing. He developed frequency domain operations and subsequently the Compac 75, the first mini-computer seismic system in Canada.

The Seislog process for seismic inversion which he invented in 1972 made it possible to estimate subsurface lithology and porosity from seismic data.

His work has taken him to 104 different countries around the world, both as a business man and as a lecturer and teacher. Contacts made in China resulted directly in the CSEG/PCPRC joint symposium held last year near Beijing.

Roy has helped spread Canadian technology and expertise throughout the world by setting up training programs both in Canada and abroad for Third World exploration personnel.

His contributions to his profession are many and varied. We take great pleasure in naming Roy Lindseth the recipient of the CSEG Medal.