Junior Geophysicist Forum (JGF)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 4:00 pm to 8:00 pmOdd Fellows Hall, 100 6 Ave SW
Calgary, AB
2019 theme: “Inspiring innovation and entrepreneurial thinking in Geoscience”
Register Online at jgf2019.eventbrite.com
CSEG membership required!
CSEG Student Membership: https://cseg.ca/students/cseg-student-membership
*A food or cash donation to the Calgary Food Bank for a drink ticket
This year’s JGF takes place on October 23rd, 2019 at the Odd Fellows Hall. Drawing from the positive response from last year’s audience participation format, guests will work in teams to develop an innovative solution to problems facing today’s Exploration and Production companies.
Each attendee will experience:
- A fun event in a workshop format.
- Face-to-face mentorship from leaders within both academia and industry.
- Professional development in strategic management, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
- Networking with junior and senior geoscientists.
Thank you to our sponsors!