
Nicole Willson - 2017

Meritorious Service Award Recipient Nicole Willson – Chief Editor CSEG RECORDER 2017
Citation by Henry Lyatsky

Nicole Wilson Nicole had the imagination, the initiative and the courage to raise the practical usefulness and hence the attractiveness of the RECORDER for the readers, and she did it in a matter of months. She achieved this by broadening the scope of article subjects, which expands the readership, and by turning to the kind of very basic scientific and technical matters that we tend to take for granted but often forget. Many of the catchy back-to-basics articles she ran deserve to remain on explorationists’ desks for years, as basic references. Nor did she shy away from controversial subjects, inviting the readers to question dogmas and think for themselves. She did not hesitate to reach out for advice in her search for suitable topics and good authors. The CSEG members are the better for her hard and persistent editorial work. This is what the RECORDER and the CSEG are here for. Thank you, Nicole, for your Meritorious Service.