
Larry Lines - 2012

CSEG Special Commendation Award Citation for Larry Lines
Citation by Dr. Jon Downton

Laurence “Larry” Lines received B.Sc. and M.Sc. Geophysics degrees from the University of Alberta (1971, 1973) and a Ph.D. in Geophysics from the University of British Columbia (1976). His industrial career included 17 years with Amoco in Calgary and Tulsa (1976-1993). Following a career in industry, Dr. Lines held the NSERC/Petro-Canada Chair in Applied Seismology at Memorial University of Newfoundland (1993-1997) and the Chair in Exploration Geophysics at the University of Calgary (1997-2002). From 2002-2007, he served as the Head, Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Calgary. In professional service, Larry was the President of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) in 2008-2009. Previous to that, he served the SEG as Geophysics Editor (1977-99), Distinguished Lecturer, Geophysics Associate Editor, Translations Editor, Publications Chairman, and as a member of The Leading Edge Editorial Board. He has served as CJEG Editor twice. Larry and co-authors have won the SEG’s Best Paper in Geophysics Award twice (1988, 1995) and have twice won Honorable Mention for Best Paper (1986, 1998). Larry is an Honorary Member of SEG, CSEG, and the Geophysical Society of Tulsa. Additionally, he is a member of APEGGA, CGU, EAGE, and AAPG. Larry is married with two children, and enjoys hobbies of choir, softball, and hiking with his Alaskan malamute.

In 2010 Dr. Lines proposed to the CSEG executive to restart the CSEG Journal as an electronic publication. The original Journal had gone on hiatus after 1999 as a cost cutting measure initiated when the society was experiencing tough economic times. As a consequence of this the society no longer published a peer reviewed publication. Larry voiced a growing sentiment that there needed to be a peer reviewed journal focusing on Canadian exploration geophysics. He argued that by publishing online, the CSEG could create a high quality publication but still do it in a cost effective manner. He made a persuasive argument and as one last enticement even volunteered to serve as Editor. The executive voted in favour of his proposal and now three years later the Journal is a going concern, with Larry still serving as Editor. Having myself written for the Journal I can appreciate Larry’s initiative and all his hard work in making this happen.

Larry is a deserving recipient of the CSEG Special Commendation Award. The award was designed for people like him, ones who can identify a need or service the society can provide, initiate action to make it happen and then volunteer their time to ensure its success. With this award we honour a talented and hardworking individual. On behalf of the CSEG and all of its members, Larry, we would like to thank you for all your contributions to the CSEG.