Rick Green - 2013
CSEG Special Commendation Award Recipient Rick Green
Rick Green was born and raised in Victoria, B.C. He went to University of Victoria and earned a BSc Honors Physics in 1971 and MSc Physics in 1978. He recorded earthquakes and the magnetic field at Geophysical Observatories at Mould Bay and Resolute Bay, NWT during 1972 - 1976. His boss was some 3000 km away in Ottawa. While dealing with many challenges in the Arctic, persistence, initiative, independence and confidence were developed. These were useful traits for his future work in the oil patch.
Rick spent most of his career as a structural geophysicist working in fold and thrust belts in North America and the Middle East. He began working for Amoco from 1978 to 1985 at four different locations - Calgary, Denver, New Orleans and Houston on a variety of structural plays. Much was learned during this time. For the next 24 years, he worked for Talisman Energy Inc., mostly in the geologically complex Monkman area of N. E. British Columbia. Rick was responsible for acquisition, processing and interpretation of the seismic data leading to many successful gas wells in the Monkman area. Folded Triassic-age carbonates were the initial target, then folded Permian-age carbonates at depths up to 5700 m. One of the Permian wells produced up to 100 MMCF/D and has produced over a 100 BCF to date with lots more yet to be produced.
After retirement (2009), he formed a company and spent a year working part-time overseeing processing of Albanian seismic data for Petromanas in Calgary.
Rick has been involved in the Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre since 1998 as a sponsor and as a Board member. He has been President since May 2005. He initiated many geoscience programs for school students. In 2013, he was involved in CSEG’s Geophysical Industry Field Trip, Seismic In Motion and grade 7 Geoscience Outreach. In the same year, he was involved in renewing the Museum’s Registered Museum Status, lobbying for a significant increase in funding from the Town of Canmore and renewing Museum leases for another 11 years. He is currently working on a grant to purchase new storage space. The Museum is well positioned to move ahead although the Museum is closed just now due to a recent burst water pipe which flooded the facility.
Rick managed the “Operation Bow Athabasca” exhibit and booklet which was created for the Museum in 2012 by Ben Gadd with contributions from Drs. Ray Price and Roger Macqueen. This travelling exhibit has now gone to the GSC Calgary, Queen’s University, GSC Ottawa and is now at McGill University. Rick was very proud to attend the grand opening of the exhibit at the GSC Ottawa last September.
Rick has been involved as a volunteer official in the sport of biathlon since 1990 including many years as a Board member of Biathlon Alberta and the Alberta Biathlon Club. He is currently an International Referee. As a result of his lengthy biathlon experience, he was selected Deputy Chief of Range for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.