Rob Mcgrory - 2013
CSEG Special Commendation Award Recipient Robert McGrory
Citation By Paul Mackay
The CSEG recognizes that there are numerous ways to make significant contributions to the science and profession of Geophysics, hence the establishment of the Special Commendation Award. Robert McGrory is a deserving recipient of this award. Rob is in the midst of a distinguished career that began with his graduation from the University of Toronto (B.SC., geophysics). After graduation he joined VeritasDGC based in South America and developed an expertise in AVO and the early steps that became the foundation for seismic inversion. He then moved to Calgary and worked for both large and small companies as an exploration geophysicists in numerous plays across the country, eventually being promoted to the position Geophysical Manager.
From there Rob founded a successful consulting practice both as a sole practitioner and later as principal at TerraWRX Exploration, known for their advanced interpretation skills in Seismic Inversion, Rock Physics, AVO, and other techniques. A testament to Rob’s energy is that he developed a successful career while also maintaining an active volunteer effort for the CSEG.
Of particular significance to the Society has been Rob’s leadership in the Annual National Convention. Rob has been author on several presentations given at the convention on a variety of topics. In 2011 he increased his involvement by taking on the role of Convention Chair for the CSEG. This was a watershed event where the Convention exceeded all expectations in terms of scientific quality, attendance, and profitability to the CSEG and its sister societies. Rob helped to elevate the Convention to a higher technical level.
Many would be satisfied with leading a successful convention but Rob elected to remain involved in the Convention with the intent to restructure the nature of the National Convention to provide greater continuity from year to year and to help create the corporate structure for continued technical and financial growth into the future. Rob has been the driving force to form a limited partnership amongst the CSEG, CSPG, and the CWLS known as GeoConvention. The purpose of GeoConvention is to organise and host the Annual National Convention into the future. GeoConvention has been successfully established in large part due to Rob’s pleasant and calm demeanor and tenacity to complete a task. It is for this success that Rob is recognized as deserving recipient of this award.
Rob has achieved these successes through a combination of hard work, team commitment, personal responsibility and diligence. These traits coupled with his ability to work with others allow personal success for him but more importantly elevates those around him so that the success is shared by many. This is Robert McGrory’s true contribution and sets an example for all of us to follow.

R: Rob announces the inaugural 2011 GeoConvention (theme Recovery) at the December 2010 CSEG Luncheon.