
D.K. Bruce Fenwick - 1988

CSEG Meritorious Service Award Recipient D.K. Bruce Fenwick

D.K. Bruce Fenwick Bruce Fenwick graduated from Mount Allison University with a BSc in Physics in 1965 and received his MSc in Geophysics from Dalhousie in 1967.

His industry career began with 6 years at Amoco followed by 6 years with Mesa Petroleums where he became Division Geophysicist for Canada. After a year as a consultant he joined Voyager Petroleums as Chief Geophysicist and later became Exploration Manager - International Operations. In 1985 he was named Manager of Geophysics at Norcen Energy Resources Limited and subsequently took his current position as General Manager, Canadian Exploration.

Bruce's involvement with the CSEG began in 1967. Six times he has worked on CSEG National Convention Committees beginning with the Field Trip Subcommittee and later the Publicity Subcommittee. He then served as Registration Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Chairman and finally this year as a Session Chairman.

In 1979 he was elected CSEG Executive Secretary under President Lloyd Hatlelid.

Bruce is also a member of APEGGA and after two years on the Career Development committee organized and chaired for three years the CSEG subcommittee on APEGGA while at the same time chairing the CSEG/CSPG/APEGGA liaison committee.

Time has also been found for involvement in sports. Bruce has taken part in Doodlespiels, Ski Sprees, Mulligan Golf and Doodlebug Golf Tournaments. For the last three years he has been a member of the Doodlebug Golf Committee and will serve as Vice Chairman and Chairman in the next two years.

Bruce has given much to the CSEG and is a worthy recipient of the Meritorious Service Award.