
Best Practice-Pitfalls Seismic Data Loading

Eric Keyser

Instructor: Eric Keyser
Date: Nov. 8, 2017
Duration: 1 day
Members (early bird/price): CAD$ 400/500 (plus GST)
Non-members (early bird/price): CAD$ 450/550 (plus GST)
Location: TBA
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


G. Eric Keyser’s interest in computers started at age thirteen during a weekend WATFOR programming camp at the University of Waterloo. He has always been interested in the nuts and bolts of seismic data and uses Linux, Perl and Awk scripts to ensure the data he is interpreting is valid and spatially correct. Eric’s Geophysical career has taken him from Calgary (Amoco), to Tulsa, New Orleans, Denver, Chicago, Houston and London.  A Proven oil/gas finder with projects ranging from Shell’s Cognac field in the Gulf Coast to the North Sea he convinced management to drill down dip from a wet well. This resulted in the discovery of the four tcf Everest trend. While stationed in Calgary, his Blackstone discovery set the record and averaged 135 mmcfpd at the gas plant. He is currently working for Modern Resources Inc. utilizing seismic to steer the bit and identify areas for increased production in the Deep Basin of Western Alberta.  Eric is a member of SEG and CSEG societies.


Course Outline:

  1. Computer Basics - Number/Character Conventions - Bits, nibbles, bytes, words, integers, IBM floats, IEEE floats binary coded decimal, EBCDIC, ASCII, binary, octal, hex.
  2. Seismic Data Management - file naming conventions, a unique identifier, name, processor, date and flow. How to back up your project with Microsoft’s robocopy.
  3. Stack/Gather Formats -- SEGY Stack Formats (IBM, IEEE floats) CSEG 1994 SEGY, Rev 0, Rev 1.
  4. Calgary SEGY Naming Standards. What are the differences between SeisX, SeisWare, Talisman, PCP, AEC and Encana?
  5. 2D Loading -- Shot Point, X coordinate, Y Coordinate , IBM vs IEEE, Utilize meta data, navigation data, title blocks and scanned paper sections.
  6. 3D Loading -- Inline, Cross line, X coordinate, Y Coordinate. Pitfalls IBM vs. IEEE data.
  7. Gather Loading - what is needed so a different processor can use the data? How do I load my gathers for pre stack Inversion?
  8. Navigation-Survey SEGP, UKOOA, Shell SPS. What is needed for a survey audit? Survey Quality Control checks, NAD27, NAD83, Google Maps and Lidar. What XY position does the processor place in the trace header? What is the common depth point position?  How to tell if your 3D is in the correct position?
  9. Field Formats --SEGA, SEGB, SEGC, SEGD, SEGY (Aram), SEGY (OpSeis), and SEG2 micro seismic.
  10. Transfer Formats - Archive - Encapsulation -- Single file stream (LACEY, Rode), Index data pair (Kelman quartet, Seitel SUOF, SeisCap) dual files per shot (Vanguard), tar and zip.
  11. Proposal for a Dynamic SEG standard with the creation of a keyword mapping file to identify digital seismic data and automate data loading.
  12. Summary and feedback for the instructor.