The CSEG is pleased to support the Distinguished Lecture Tour. This is a national lecture tour sponsored by the CSEG Foundation and presented by a distinguished member of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG). The goal is to promote the science and application of geophysics to those working with, studying, and interested in the science of geophysics and highlights a topic of current interest.
If you are interested in hosting a lecture or have topics to suggest for future lectures, please contact:
Richard Smith
For Foundation information, please click here.
2021-2022 CSEG Distinguished Lecture Tour
Previous Lecture Tours

Seismic Surface Wave for subsurface S and P velocity models for georesources exploration (CANCELLED)

So, you’re acquiring a seismic survey and having it processed – What questions should you be asking?
Andrea Crook & Stephanie Ross

Neural Networks and Machine Learning Applications in Petroleum Exploration (CANCELLED)
Brian Russell

How Engineers Mitigate Risk and Increase Profitability Using Integrated Geophysical Applications, a course for Geoscientists and Engineers
John L.J. Duhault

Seismic Geomorphology and Seismic Stratigraphy – Extracting Geologic Insights from 3D Seismic Data
Henry Posamentier

Fractured & Shale Reservoirs - From Geologic Concepts to Reservoir Models
Ahmed Ouenes and Scott P. Cooper