
Introduction to Seismic Interpretation

Rachel Newrick

Instructors: Rachel Newrick
Date: November 3, 2020
Duration: 1 day
Members (early bird/price): CAD$ 425/500 (plus GST)
Non-members (early bird/price): CAD$ 525/600 (plus GST)
Location: TBA
Time: TBA


Rachel Newrick is an exploration geophysicist working and teaching internationally with a focus on seismic interpretation. She completed a BSc (Geology) and BSc Honours (Geophysics) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and a PhD in Exploration Seismology at the University of Calgary, Canada.

During her career, Rachel has worked as a summer student / researcher for BHP (Melbourne), Occidental and ExxonMobil (Houston), and Veritas (Calgary) and full-time for Nexen (Calgary and London) and Cairn Energy (Edinburgh). She is now based in Alberta, Canada with Racian Ventures and is also an instructor with RPS-Nautilus teaching a variety of seismic interpretation courses internationally. 

Rachel is the co-author of the SEG Geophysical Monograph Series #13, Fundamentals of Geophysical Interpretation with Larry Lines, a contributor to two 52 Things… books, and has presented at a variety of conferences and technical luncheons. Rachel is a member of the AAPG, EAGE, APEGA (P.Geoph & P.Geol.), SEG and CSEG, serving as VP, President and Past President (2014-2017).

Most importantly, she is curious and likes to ask 'why?'.


Seismic Interpretation: What are we looking at, and why?

This single day introduction to seismic interpretation focuses on encouraging the interpreter to create a solid basis for an interpretation work flow. We will consider what we are looking at: what the seismic data represents, whether the phase and polarity are suitable for interpretation, what colour displays may help or hinder our interpretation, which techniques may help quickly extract information from the data and some ways to catalogue funny looking things.

And, as importantly, we will discuss why we are interpreting the data.  We will consider the questions that need to be answered.  And challenge participants to think of efficient ways to answer the questions being asked. 

The course will contain exercises to stimulate discussion and to encourage participants to always ask 'what am I looking at, and why?'. Attendees should be prepared to colour, to annotate, to discuss, to challenge, to participate and to generally immerse themselves in the interpretation experience.