
Oil and Gas Data Manipulation

Eric Keyser

Instructor: Eric Keyser
Date: November 09, 2018
Duration: 1 day
Members (early bird/price): CAD$ 400/500 (plus GST)
Non-members (early bird/price): CAD$ 450/550 (plus GST)
Location: TBA
Time: TBA


G. Eric Keyser’s interest in computers started when he was 13 during a weekend at a WATFOR programming camp at the University of Waterloo. He has always been interested in the nuts and bolts of seismic data and uses Linux, Perl and Awk scripts to ensure the data he is interpreting is valid and spatially correct.

Eric’s Geophysical career has taken him from Calgary (Amoco), to Tulsa, New Orleans, Denver, Chicago, Houston and London.  A Proven oil/gas finder with projects ranging from Shell’s Cognac field in the Gulf Coast to the North Sea where he was part of the team that convinced management to drill down dip from a wet well. This resulted in the discovery of the 4 tcf Everest trend. While stationed in Calgary, the seismically defined Blackstone discovery set the Alberta record for both rate and volume.

Eric is currently working for Modern Resources Inc. utilizing seismic to drill a faster well and to identify areas for increased production in the Deep Basin of Western Alberta.  Eric is a member of SEG and CSEG societies.


The course is focused on using the command line with linux commands to quickly reformat Oil & Gas data for input into you favorite application:

  1. Big Data, too large for a spreadsheet, learn how to use a one line awk command to select columns
  2. Drilling, deviation survey, how to clean real time logs (NOV, Pason) from the field.
  3. Wells, las logs, tops. Does a log curve cover a given top? How to rename Geoscout tops
  4. Seismic, batch loading into Seisware, how to regularize 3D horizon picks
  5. Production - How to compute the Max month production
  6. Fracking - build frac stages as tops, reformat frac curve data
  7. Facilities - how to take SCADA industrial control data from offset wells while fracking
  8. File and folder cleanup
  9. Organize photos by year and date (could easily be seismic data management system)

What commands are we  going to use?

* vi -- very fast, efficient identical across all platforms. Can use commands for batch editing utility called sed

* awk -- tiny but effective language, most problems solved with a single line of code. Has a beginning, a middle (for every line in file) and an ending.

* grep (file pattern searcher), sed (stream editor), man (manual)  cat (concatenate), find (walk a file hierarchy), ls (list directory), pwd (working directory name), mv (move file), cp (copy file), cd (change directory) wc (word count) head (of file), du (disk usage), chmod (change file modes) sort, cmp (compare two files byte for byte) ln (make links), echo (write output),

* Perl -- Practical extraction and report language