
Unconventional Resource Derisking

Jim Gouveia

Instructor: Jim Gouveia
Date:  Nov. 8, 2017
Duration: 1 day
Members (early bird/price): CAD$ 400/500 (plus GST)
Non-members (early bird/price): CAD$ 450/550 (plus GST)
Location: TBA
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


James (Jim) Gouveia is a P. Eng. with a diverse technical, business and operations background in the petroleum industry. He joined Rose & Associates in March, 2002 after 21 years with Amoco and BP Energy.  Mr. Gouveia has worked in a variety of technical and managerial assignments in exploration, production and reservoir engineering, strategic and business process planning, portfolio and risk management. Prior to BP's acquisition of Amoco in 1999, Mr. Gouveia was a Director of Risk Management for the Amoco Energy Group of North America. He was selected to be a Distinguished Lecturer with the Society of Petroleum Engineers for the 2016/2017 session.   His talk is entitled, “Fooled by Randomness”, making better business decisions with limited data sets. During his service at Rose & Associates Jim has provided critical technical advice, consulting and training to a global set of clients from North and South America, Asia, Australia and Europe.  Recent engagements include assignments with Chevron, Chesapeake, ConocoPhillips, Encana, PTTEP, and Repsol.  Jim’s expertize covers all aspects of oil and gas production, ranging from conventional and tight gas fields, to heavy oil, to unconventional oil and gas.  He is the lead developer and custodian of Rose & Associates “Unconventional Resource Appraisal and Valuation” course, a unique offering focused on practical decision making in unconventional resource projects.  He regularly presents technical talks at the SPEE annual meetings and local SPE, SPEE Chapters.  Mr. Gouveia was a contributing author to the SPEE’s 2011 Monograph 3, “Guidelines for the practical evaluation of undeveloped reserves in Resource plays”, and SPE 18507, 175527, 175888, and 121525. Jim is a member of APEGA, SPE, SPEE and AAPG.


This course covers the Rose & Associates Stage gate process for the development of Unconventional resource plays.   We will cover the Value of Information with exercises on how to assess the value of 3D Seismic in horizontal laterals, dealing with limited data sets and the use of Sequential accumulation plots to assure actuals are with statistical norms of their forecasted values.