January 19th, 2022
Does Geothermal have a role to play in reducing GHGs and transitioning off the hydrocarbon economy?
Catherine Hickson PhD, P.Geo.

April 20th, 2021
Update and Observations of Induced Seismicity in NEBC: A Regulator’s Point of View
Stuart (Stu) Venables

February 16th, 2021
A Stochastic Modelling Approach to Induced Seismicity Risk Mitigation
Thomas Eyre

January 12th, 2021
Anatomy of a buried thrust belt activated during hydraulic fracturing
Dr. Naimeh Riazi

November 23rd, 2020
Maximizing Return on Microseismic Data Investment Using AI Methodologies
Ellie Ardakani, PhD, P.Geo

October 28th, 2020
Microseismic as measured from DAS, a case study from the Montney
Jon Furlong, P.Geo

February 27th, 2020
New Frontiers in Induced Seismicity Monitoring: Adding value beyond regulatory compliance
Ben Witten

December 12th, 2019
How deep is my event? Improved induced-seismicity depth estimation using the focal-time method
Dr. David Eaton

October 4th, 2019
Combined processing/interpretation of microseismic and reflection seismic data
Stepan Lavrinenko

June 10th, 2019
The Geological Susceptibility of Induced Earthquakes in the Duvernay Play
Ryan Schultz

February 26th, 2019
Managing Induced Seismicity Risk in the Duvernay Formation
Sobhi Alhashwa, P.Geo., PMP

June 28th, 2018
Don’t poke the bear: The quest to understand induced seismicity from hydraulic fracturing
David Eaton

April 19th, 2018
Induced Seismicity: Observations, Research and Oversight in British Columbia
Stuart Venables

January 31st, 2018
Quest CCS: Microseismic Observations after 2.5M Tonnes of CO2 Injected
Simon O’Brien

December 12th, 2017
Using precise source locations and repetitive source mechanisms to interpret the generation of microseismic signals and their relationship to the hydraulic fracture
Jim Rutledge

November 16th, 2017
Monitoring in the Montney Formation, N.E. British Columbia with a Sparse Surface Network: Moment Tensor Analysis Implications
Kit Chambers

November 1st, 2017
Hydraulic Fracturing Completion Volume is Associated with Induced Earthquake Productivity in the Duvernay Play
Ryan Schultz

June 8th, 2017
Utilizing Hybrid Array to Distinguish between Hydraulically Connected (Wet) and Stress Induced (Dry) Microseismic Events
Natalia Verkhovtseva

February 23rd, 2017
Quality Control During Microseismic Reprocessing: Utilizing Synthetic Seismograms to Validate Result
Shawn Maxwell

January 30th, 2017
Fluid Injection and Seismic Activity in the northern Montney Play, British Columbia, with Special Reference to the August 17, 2015 Mw 4.6 Induced Earthquake
Alireza Mahani

December 13th, 2016
Can we predict and manage the risk of injection-induced seismicity?
Dr. Mark Zoback

November 28th, 2016
Assessing Microseismicity Derived Fracture Distributions Utilizing Scanlines and Topological Approaches for Reservoir Model Development
Dr. Ted Urbancic

September 28th, 2016
Made to Measure: On the Performance and Limitations of the Seismic Instrumentation
Dario Baturan

June 23rd, 2016
Linking Fossil Reefs with Earthquakes: Geologic insight to where induced seismicity occurs in Alberta
Ryan Schultz

February 24th, 2016
An analytical approach to hydraulic fracturing and induced seismicity monitoring
John Duhault

June 23rd, 2015
Enhanced Downhole Processing Using Matched Filtering Analysis
Dave Eaton & Enrico Caffagni

April 28th, 2015
Seismic monitoring in Alberta and Subsurface Order #2 (Monitoring and Reporting of Seismicity in the Vicinity of Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Duvernay Zone, Fox Creek, Alberta
Todd Shipman

March 24th, 2015
Improving Hypocenter Depth Accuracy at Graham BC – A passive seismic monitoring case study
Andy Gamp

February 25th, 2015
Geomechanical modeling of induced microseismicity
Mirko van der Baan, Drew Chorney, Vincent Roche

November 17th, 2014
Review of SEG/SPE/ARMA Injection Induced Seismicity Workshop”, and “Liability Arising from Induced Seismicity in Canada”
Shawn Maxwell, Paige Snelling and Allan Ingleson

April 14th, 2014
The inferred Calgary frost quake of March 4, 2014: An analog for hydraulic fracturing?
Dr. David Eaton

March 19th, 2014
What is the state of stress in the earth? A tutorial on measuring stress in the Earth for Geophysicists by a Geophysicist who measures stress
Douglas Schmitt

December 17th, 2013
Microseismic without dots – A probabilistic view of microseismic data
Ulrich Zimmer

September 17th, 2013
Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Micro-Seismic Detection and Interpretation
Paul Webster

June 3rd, 2013
Passive Seismic Monitoring for Casing Integrity and Beyond
Jennifer Sawatzky* and Arslan Akhmetov**

April 10th, 2013
To what extent do earthquakes induced by fluid injection at depth contribute to the seismic hazard?
Art McGarr

March 11th, 2013
Tuning in to Lower Frequency Events – Monitoring Induced Seismicity from a Hydraulic Fracture Program
Jason Hendrick

February 20th, 2013
The Importance of Slow Slip on Faults During Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing
Professor Mark Zoback

December 12th, 2012
Integrated microseismic and surface multicomponent seismic monitoring of hydraulic fracture stimulations, Pouce Coupe Field, AB
Tom Davis and Chris Steinhoff

October 23rd, 2012
Horn River Microseismic Acquisition: Designing a Shallow Array
Neil Taylor, Paige Snelling, Mark Stacey, and Dave Abbott