June 15th, 2022
Reflections on Geophysical Survey Activities and Integration for Offshore Wind
Timothy Watton
May 10th, 2022
The seismic of CO2: monitoring injection and storage with DAS, waveform inversion, and machine learn
Kristopher Innanen
April 21st, 2022
Near Surface Geophysical Mapping to Support Solar Power Development
Kate McKinley, PG, PGp
April 12th, 2022
An Overview of 4 Decades of Permafrost Geophysics & Electrical resistivity tomography as a tool for permafrost investigations
Dr. Jim Henderson and Dr. Teddi Herring
March 15th, 2022
New Efficient Geophysical Approaches to Defining Windfarm Ground Models
Bruce Samuel
February 10th, 2022
Value of Gravity and Magnetic Data in a Diversifying Resource Industry
Dr. Henry Lyatsky
January 19th, 2022
Does Geothermal have a role to play in reducing GHGs and transitioning off the hydrocarbon economy?
Catherine Hickson PhD, P.Geo.
January 12th, 2022
4D Seismic Interpretation: A Logical Error in Gassmann Poroelasticity
Leon Thomsen
October 6th, 2021
Applicability of an innovative & light seismic approach to monitor SAGD operations in Surmont : a blind test
Victoria Brun
June 22nd, 2021
Anatomy of a buried thrust belt activated during hydraulic fracturing
Dr. Naimeh Riazi
May 19th, 2021
Direct Probabilistic Inversion: Adding back Geology into Geophysics through Probabilistic Quantitative Interpretation
Bill Goodway*, Raul Cova, Evan Mutual, Wendell Pardasie, Ask Jakobsen and Henrik Hansen
May 6th, 2021
3D Seismic Surveying for the Detection of Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs in the Upper Rhine Graben
Dr. Ulrich Lotz
April 20th, 2021
Update and Observations of Induced Seismicity in NEBC: A Regulator’s Point of View
Stuart (Stu) Venables
April 15th, 2021
Predicting reservoir properties from seismic and well data using deep neural networks
Jonathan E. Downton and Daniel P. Hampson
March 31st, 2021
Alberta No.1 – the Province’s first conventional deep geothermal power project
Katie Huang, G.I.T.
March 17th, 2021
Combining poroelasticity with Inversion, AVO and Elastic Impedance – A tribute to Ken Hedlin
Brian Russell
March 10th, 2021
Applications of seismic stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology – maximizing the value of 3D seismic data for exploration and production
Henry W. Posamentier
February 16th, 2021
A Stochastic Modelling Approach to Induced Seismicity Risk Mitigation
Thomas Eyre
January 12th, 2021
Anatomy of a buried thrust belt activated during hydraulic fracturing
Dr. Naimeh Riazi
November 23rd, 2020
Maximizing Return on Microseismic Data Investment Using AI Methodologies
Ellie Ardakani, PhD, P.Geo
November 18th, 2020
From Seismic to Reservoir Model A Flemish Pass offshore NFLD case study
Dr. Rainer Tonn and Xavier van Lanen
October 28th, 2020
Microseismic as measured from DAS, a case study from the Montney
Jon Furlong, P.Geo
August 13th, 2020
Seismic Multiple Suppression: Practical aspects, challenges and road ahead
Frederico Xavier de Melo
July 8th, 2020
From Incremental to Transformational Workflows: Contemporary Imaging and What Comes Next
Dr. Ian F. Jones
June 11th, 2020
Slip sliding away: Enigma of large sandy blocks within a gas-bearing mass transport deposit, offshore northwestern Greenland
David R. Cox
April 22nd, 2020
Crustal Fluids, Friction and Faults: What can we learn from injection-induced earthquakes?
Professor David Eaton
February 27th, 2020
New Frontiers in Induced Seismicity Monitoring: Adding value beyond regulatory compliance
Ben Witten
February 26th, 2020
Seismic and Surface Deformation: Insights from Qualitative Comparisons over a SAGD Reservoir in Alberta
Dennis Ellison
December 12th, 2019
How deep is my event? Improved induced-seismicity depth estimation using the focal-time method
Dr. David Eaton
October 9th, 2019
Advanced Seismic Inversion for Engineering Applications in Unconventional Reservoirs
Colin Sayers
October 4th, 2019
Combined processing/interpretation of microseismic and reflection seismic data
Stepan Lavrinenko
September 4th, 2019
SAGD dynamic reservoir property characterization using machine learning
Luis E. Cardozo
June 26th, 2019
Implications of persistent post-injection induced seismicity in the Duvernay
Thomas Eyre
June 10th, 2019
The Geological Susceptibility of Induced Earthquakes in the Duvernay Play
Ryan Schultz
May 9th, 2019
GPlates deformable plate tectonic models of the southern North Atlantic: Insights into rift-related deformation and magmatism
Alexander L. Peace, PhD.
April 23rd, 2019
Focal-time estimation: A new method for stratigraphic depth control of induced seismicity
Ron Weir
February 26th, 2019
Managing Induced Seismicity Risk in the Duvernay Formation
Sobhi Alhashwa, P.Geo., PMP
January 23rd, 2019
Canadian Climate Strategies: Federal and Provincial Emissions Reduction Policies
Jennifer Winter
November 8th, 2018
The added value of geophysics in estimating natural fractures and reservoir stresses in 3G integrated workflows
Ahmed Ouenes
October 10th, 2018
Maximizing Success within a Business Team Environment using Integrated Geophysics
John L. J. Duhault, P. Geoph.
June 28th, 2018
Don’t poke the bear: The quest to understand induced seismicity from hydraulic fracturing
David Eaton
April 25th, 2018
How widespread is human-induced seismicity in the United States and Canada?
Mirko van der Baan
April 19th, 2018
Induced Seismicity: Observations, Research and Oversight in British Columbia
Stuart Venables
March 28th, 2018
Why we should perform PSDM and calculate seismic attributes in the depth domain, examples from the Woodford formation
Marianne Rauch-Davies
February 21st, 2018
A Glimpse into the World of Seismic Attributes
Rainer Tonn*, Asdrubal Bernal, Jon Dexter
January 31st, 2018
Quest CCS: Microseismic Observations after 2.5M Tonnes of CO2 Injected
Simon O’Brien
January 24th, 2018
Forecasting bitumen state and production from 3C-4D seismic
David Gray and Dragana Todorovic-Marinic
December 12th, 2017
Using precise source locations and repetitive source mechanisms to interpret the generation of microseismic signals and their relationship to the hydraulic fracture
Jim Rutledge
November 16th, 2017
Monitoring in the Montney Formation, N.E. British Columbia with a Sparse Surface Network: Moment Tensor Analysis Implications
Kit Chambers
November 6th, 2017
The final shakeout phase of the 2014 energy bear market is now underway – what happens from there?
Josef Schachter
November 1st, 2017
Hydraulic Fracturing Completion Volume is Associated with Induced Earthquake Productivity in the Duvernay Play
Ryan Schultz
October 19th, 2017
Geophysics Giving Hydrogeologists What They Want: Hydraulic Conductivity, Fracture Characterization, Seepage Zones, And Flow
Paul Bauman
October 10th, 2017
The (Geo)Science of Safety: How Geoscientists are Making Potash Mines Safer
By Craig Funk, P.Eng, P.Geo
September 11th, 2017
New technologies for permanent reservoir monitoring - the CaMI Field Research Station
Don Lawton
June 8th, 2017
Utilizing Hybrid Array to Distinguish between Hydraulically Connected (Wet) and Stress Induced (Dry) Microseismic Events
Natalia Verkhovtseva
April 24th, 2017
Seismic amplitude fidelity and its impact on 3D and 4D seismic interpretation
Paul Hatchell
March 27th, 2017
Two Workflows for Image-Based Near-Surface Modeling for Statics Corrections and for Circumventing Velocity Uncertainty in Subsurface Imaging of Complex Structures
Öz Yilmaz
February 27th, 2017
Marcellus/Utica Shale PSDM Case Study – Improved Structural Imaging and Rock Properties
Dr. Morgan Brown
February 23rd, 2017
Quality Control During Microseismic Reprocessing: Utilizing Synthetic Seismograms to Validate Result
Shawn Maxwell
February 21st, 2017
6D interpolation and its efficacy to preserve structure in challenging scenarios
Mark Ng* and Dan Negut
January 30th, 2017
Fluid Injection and Seismic Activity in the northern Montney Play, British Columbia, with Special Reference to the August 17, 2015 Mw 4.6 Induced Earthquake
Alireza Mahani
December 13th, 2016
Can we predict and manage the risk of injection-induced seismicity?
Dr. Mark Zoback
November 28th, 2016
Assessing Microseismicity Derived Fracture Distributions Utilizing Scanlines and Topological Approaches for Reservoir Model Development
Dr. Ted Urbancic
November 22nd, 2016
Formulating a Seismic Value Proposition for Oil Sands SAGD: A review of the continually evolving understanding and acceptance of the return on investment of seismic information
Vince P. Rodych, P.Eng.
November 21st, 2016
New and not-so-new applications of low-rank matrix and tensor completion to seismic data processing
Mauricio D. Sacchi
October 31st, 2016
Integrating Data – How Geophysicists and Engineers Can Work Together to Improve Hydraulic Fracturing
Dr. Jennifer L. Miskimins
October 18th, 2016
Optimal Station Placement during Seismic Acquisition: an examination of cost-effective methods for trace infilling around surface exclusions
Andrea Crook, P.Geoph
September 28th, 2016
Made to Measure: On the Performance and Limitations of the Seismic Instrumentation
Dario Baturan
June 23rd, 2016
Linking Fossil Reefs with Earthquakes: Geologic insight to where induced seismicity occurs in Alberta
Ryan Schultz
May 16th, 2016
The New in Microseismic-based Prediction of Ultimate Stage by Stage SRV Through Engineering
Claudio Virues
May 11th, 2016
Density Estimation from Pre-stack Seismic Inversion – An Interpreter’s Perspective
Fred M. Peterson
February 24th, 2016
An analytical approach to hydraulic fracturing and induced seismicity monitoring
John Duhault
December 14th, 2015
Imaging the Overturned Limb of a Footwall Syncline and its Impact on Exploration in Fold and Thrust Belts
Andrew C. Newson
October 26th, 2015
The Total Solution to Near Surface Problem in Complex Exploration Areas
Liansheng Liu
September 29th, 2015
Hiding in Plain Sight: Improving seismic resolution through diffraction imaging
Carter Edie
June 23rd, 2015
Enhanced Downhole Processing Using Matched Filtering Analysis
Dave Eaton & Enrico Caffagni
April 28th, 2015
Seismic monitoring in Alberta and Subsurface Order #2 (Monitoring and Reporting of Seismicity in the Vicinity of Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Duvernay Zone, Fox Creek, Alberta
Todd Shipman
April 15th, 2015
Imaging the Overturned Limb of a Footwall Syncline and its Impact on Exploration in Fold and Thrust Belts
Andrew C. Newson
March 30th, 2015
Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns in Land Exploration Seismology
Peter Cary
March 24th, 2015
Improving Hypocenter Depth Accuracy at Graham BC – A passive seismic monitoring case study
Andy Gamp
February 25th, 2015
Geomechanical modeling of induced microseismicity
Mirko van der Baan, Drew Chorney, Vincent Roche
February 23rd, 2015
Signal processing and physics-based approaches to seismic data regularization
Aaron Stanton
February 17th, 2015
Predicting internal multiples: basic ideas and parameter choices
Dr. Kristopher Innanen
January 26th, 2015
2b or not 2b? Interpreting magnitude distributions from microseismic catalogs
Dr. David Eaton
January 21st, 2015
Jambi Merang Carbonate Gas Reservoir, onshore Sumatra: Using 3D Seismic Attributes to guide Porosity Modelling
Robin Owens
December 15th, 2014
Integrating Production Analysis with Microseismic and Fracture Modeling to Characterize Hydraulic Fractures
Chris Clarkson
November 17th, 2014
Review of SEG/SPE/ARMA Injection Induced Seismicity Workshop”, and “Liability Arising from Induced Seismicity in Canada”
Shawn Maxwell, Paige Snelling and Allan Ingleson
September 29th, 2014
A tutorial on Beylkin determinants and their application to converted-wave migration weights
Chuck Ursenbach
September 11th, 2014
Joint inversion of multiphysics data for petrophysical and engineering properties
Aria Abubakar
April 28th, 2014
Seismic Imaging in the Presence of Strong Contrasts – How forgetful are seismic waves?
Bernd Milkereit
April 14th, 2014
The inferred Calgary frost quake of March 4, 2014: An analog for hydraulic fracturing?
Dr. David Eaton
March 31st, 2014
A journey through time in search of Arabian giants – Oil/gas fields, recording channels, and petabytes
Peter I. Pecholcs
March 19th, 2014
What is the state of stress in the earth? A tutorial on measuring stress in the Earth for Geophysicists by a Geophysicist who measures stress
Douglas Schmitt
January 20th, 2014
Geophysical Evaluation of an Offshore Miocene Oil Prospect, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Kathleen Dorey
December 17th, 2013
Microseismic without dots – A probabilistic view of microseismic data
Ulrich Zimmer
December 16th, 2013
Asteroseismology: Stealing the Geoseismologists’ Rule Book and Launching it into Space
Jaymie Matthews
December 11th, 2013
Practical Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Seismic Reservoir Characterization
Azer Mustaqeem
September 17th, 2013
Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Micro-Seismic Detection and Interpretation
Paul Webster
June 3rd, 2013
Passive Seismic Monitoring for Casing Integrity and Beyond
Jennifer Sawatzky* and Arslan Akhmetov**
April 25th, 2013
Elucidating Paleo Depositional Environments from 3D Seismic 'Solving for One Part of the Hydrocarbon Accumulation Puzzle'
Trevor Johnson
April 10th, 2013
To what extent do earthquakes induced by fluid injection at depth contribute to the seismic hazard?
Art McGarr
March 26th, 2013
Characterization of Shale Gas Reservoirs Using Seismic and Well Data at Horn River, Canada
Olga Rehkopf
March 19th, 2013
Seismic Surveillance - Highlights from 10 years of full field permanent seismic monitoring of the Valhall field
Olav Inge Barkved
March 11th, 2013
Tuning in to Lower Frequency Events – Monitoring Induced Seismicity from a Hydraulic Fracture Program
Jason Hendrick
February 20th, 2013
The Importance of Slow Slip on Faults During Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing
Professor Mark Zoback
February 19th, 2013
Seismic Interferometry and Beyond – Harvesting Signal from Coherent Noise
Gerard T. Schuster
January 23rd, 2013
Post-earthquake seismic reflection survey, Christchurch, New Zealand, with some new insights into faults
Dr. Don Lawton
January 16th, 2013
Interference and the art of static correction: Raypath interferometry
David C. Henley
December 17th, 2012
A Broadband Processing Technology Applicable to Conventional Streamer Data
Zhengzheng (Joe) Zhou
December 12th, 2012
Integrated microseismic and surface multicomponent seismic monitoring of hydraulic fracture stimulations, Pouce Coupe Field, AB
Tom Davis and Chris Steinhoff
October 23rd, 2012
Horn River Microseismic Acquisition: Designing a Shallow Array
Neil Taylor, Paige Snelling, Mark Stacey, and Dave Abbott
October 16th, 2012
A Practical Perspective on APEGA’s Guideline for Ethical Use of Geophysical Data
Lee Hunt
September 12th, 2012
4D study of secondary recovery utilizing THAI® from a Saskatchewan heavy oil reservoir
Kurt Wikel / Rob Kendall
April 23rd, 2012
Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fractures: Snap, Crackle and Pops of Shale Reservoirs
Shawn Maxwell
March 26th, 2012
Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Geophysical Measurement, Monitoring & Verification
Barbara Cox
March 7th, 2012
Cost efficient acquisition to reduce coarse land 3D line spacings through beyond Nyquist interpolation
Bill Goodway
January 31st, 2012
Texture Analysis of High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data to Delineate Geological Features in the Horn River Basin, NE British Columbia
Hassan H. Hassan
January 23rd, 2012
Quantitative Interpretation, New Challenges, and Economic Value
Lee Hunt, P.Geoph
December 12th, 2011
Practical Seismic Petrophysics: The Effective Use of Log Data for Seismic Analysis
Tad Smith
October 12th, 2011
Imaging the Earth’s near surface: The why and how of applied geophysics for the 21st century
Doug Oldenburg
September 12th, 2011
The Use of 3-component Seismic Data to Identify Sweet Spots in Fractured Bakken Reservoirs
Scott Stockton
June 21st, 2011
Integration of well results, forward modeling and duplex wave migration to improve reservoir fracture characterization
Brian Link
April 11th, 2011
Virtual Source Method for Imaging and Monitoring Below Complex Overburden
Andrey Bakulin
February 14th, 2011
Advances in “True Volume” Interpretation of Structure and Stratigraphy in 3D Volumes
Geoffrey A. Dorn
January 18th, 2011
Quantitative Estimates of Fracture Density Variations: Further Perspectives
Lee Hunt
November 23rd, 2010
Beauty algorithm, eh? (A perspective on Canadian processing innovation)
Mike Perz
September 20th, 2010
Tensor Analysis of 5D Seismic Data with Application to De-noising and Regularization
Maurcio D. Sacchi
April 20th, 2010
An Unsophisticated Look at Curvelets and How to use them for Seismic Data Processing
Dr. Mostafa Naghizadeh
March 25th, 2010
A Tutorial on Airborne Electromagnetic Methods and Some Examples from Mineral Exploration, Hydrocarbon Exploration and Water Exploration
Richard Smith
February 10th, 2010
Characterization of a Heavy Oil Reservoir using Vp/Vs Ratios and Neural Network Analysis
Carmen Dumitrescu
January 11th, 2010
The Old and New in Noise Removal, Wavefield Representation and Data Regularization
Mauricio Sacchi
October 14th, 2009
Interpreting Fractures Through 3D Seismic Discontinuity Attributes and Their Visualization
Satinder Chopra
April 28th, 2009
Using Full-Wave, Full Azimuth Seismic Data to Exploit a Tight Fractured Gas Reservoir
Mike Hall
March 30th, 2009
A New View of the Continent Beneath Our Feet – LITHOPROBE's Scientific, Economic and Social Contributions
Dr. Ron M. Clowes
February 18th, 2009
Connecting Active and Passive Seismic to Describe Geomechanical Rock Properties
Bill Goodway
January 20th, 2009
The Effectiveness of Seismic Fracture Detection Techniques in Tight Reservoirs – Examples from WCSB
Christian Abaco
December 15th, 2008
Interpolation, PSTM, & AVO for Viking and Nisku Targets in West Central Alberta
Lee Hunt*, Jon Downton